Happy Mother's Day!

What an incredible thing to celebrate! I know that Mother's Day is traditionally a time when we expect to be honored and pampered--and that is great. But, this year, I'm looking at Mother's Day a little bit differently. I've really been reflecting on how blessed I am to have received this gift of motherhood.

When we really think of how we became mothers, the whole thing is just one big miracle! Each of those beautiful babies was actually created inside our body, and grew into a complete little person. Then there's the amazing process of birth. Any woman who has given birth to a child, no matter what birthing method was required, is a hero if you ask me!

And the journey of motherhood begins...

In the beginning, our children are completely dependent upon us. It's almost like they are still a part of our own body. But as they grow and learn, so do we. We must learn, first of all, to let them be their own person. Although we may feel ready for them to gain a little independence (if only because we are just so tired!), there's still a smidgen of heartbreak that happens with each new milestone, as we realize that we aren't needed for that purpose anymore.

But the needs of our children change...and so we are always needed. We are needed to kiss boo-boos, provide comfort, be a playmate, teach right from wrong, give advice, and to listen.

Sometimes it's easy to get lost in the daily responsibilities of raising a family. We let ourselves get so stressed out making sure the chores are done, the family is fed, and everyone gets to all their activities on time. We forget to take the time to really appreciate the gift that we have been given.

So for this Mother's Day...go ahead and let your kid's pamper you!

But then...take the time to let each one of them know what a special gift they are to your life. Tell them how honored you are to be their mother. And just bask in the special love that can only be shared between a mother and her children.

I promise it will make this Mother's Day one that you and your kids will always remember.

I hope that you don't mind that I've set aside the subject of organization for this month's newsletter. But I thought this Mother's Day Reflection was more appropriate, and I'm sure it will help you be more of a calm mom ;-)!

One Blessed Mommy,


Visit www.get-organized-mom.com for lots of great information to bring calm to the chaos of life!